Titans Season 2 Finale: 10 Major Questions We're Left With After 'Nightwing'

3. Is Blackfire The Main Villain Of Season 3?

Titans Season 2 finale
DC Universe

After a season full of teases of Starfire's history on Tamaran and relationship with her deranged sister, Blackfire finally showed up in the closing moments of the season finale. Yes, using a similar type of parasite that she used to temporarily inhabit Faddei's body, she latched onto some poor unsuspecting mother before storming off in search of her heroic sister.

We've known for quite some time that Blackfire's arrival was inevitable, and now she's finally ready to make her presence felt. But is she set to take on the role of Season 3's Big Bad?

You would think that all the groundwork that has already been laid would suggest that she's going to receive top billing in the villain department, but after last season's pre-credits tease introduced Cadmus -an organization that would end playing second fiddle to Deathstroke in Season 2 - there's always a chance we could see another villain join Blackfire on the Titans' radar at some point throughout the third season.

Whatever happens, we should all be prepared for a fiery showdown between the sisters from Tamaran.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.