Titans Season 2 Finale: 10 Major Questions We're Left With After 'Nightwing'

2. Who Summoned The Titans To Elko?

Titans Season 2 finale
DC Universe

You might remember that after the Titans' umpteenth separation, Rachel, Kory, Donna and Dawn were all drawn to Elko by a mysterious force. It was there that the reunited team was confronted by Bruce Wayne - who then proceeded to remind them that they were stronger together. And, upon successfully doing so, he rode off into the night, leaving the four heroes in both shock and awe.

Of course it was Bruce. In spite of the impossible lengths someone would have to stretch to in order to reach all of them, we never questioned it due to one simple reason: He's Batman! However, perhaps we should have been questioning it all along.

The finale threw a real curveball when Bruce revealed to Kory that he had never been to Elko, going as far as to suggest she got him mixed up with someone else. But Kory didn't need to even consider that possibility, because Dawn backed her up, confirming what we already knew - Bruce Wayne lured them there and told them what they wanted to hear. The only problem is that it wasn't actually Bruce.

With that, you can probably guess the question we're about to ask because, well, it's an obvious one. If Bruce didn't reach out to the Titans, who did? And how were they able to manipulate TV broadcasts, radio stations and even Rachel's dreams in order to get them all in the same place at the same time?

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.