Titans Season 2 Finale: 6 Ups & 5 Downs From ‘Nightwing’

2. It All Felt Very Rushed

Titans Season 2 Nightwing Deathstroke Ravager
DC Universe

'Nightwing' definitely had its fair share of awe-inspiring moments but it was the in-between parts (the transitions if you will) that left something to be desired. It almost feels wrong to criticise it because when the episode was at its best, it was incredible, but it was the pacing that ultimately let it down.

We've already looked at how the quick send-off to Deathstroke undermined the season's narrative, but the rushing didn't stop there. Jericho's resurrection through Rose felt a little half-baked as it never felt like he and Dick had enough time to have the conversation they had been wanting to, and it didn't explain whether he was going to share Rose's body or somehow find a new one.

Though the episode successfully hit all the emotional beats in Conner's redemptive return to control, it failed to delve into the Cadmus end of things. What happens to Mercy Graves now? Is Lex Luthor coming? Have we seen the end of Cadmus?

All of this jumping around and the unnecessarily unfinished endings (that may not even be intentional cliffhangers) just left us asking a lot of unnecessary questions, simply because it felt like the writers were rushing through all the focal points of the story without giving them the stakes or emotional gravity they needed.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.