Titans Season 2: Ranking Every Character From Worst To Best

11. Hank Hall And Dawn Granger/Hawk And Dove

Titans Season 2 Robin Wonder Girl Hawk Dove Aqualad
DC Universe

Like we saw with the first season, Hank and Dawn's presences on the show are so intertwined that it's damn near impossible to rank them separately. With that in mind, they're getting grouped together. In a way, that's just a sign of how closely linked the pair are.

A unit in both life and crime-fighting, the Titans' Hawk and Dove have helped each other through so much tragedy in their lives and, unfortunately Season 2 dealt them more tough cards. From losing a friend at the hands of Dr. Light to the reopening of old wounds through the multiple discussions over Jericho's death, both of them questioned their decision to return to the Titans. However, the show's last minute decision to split them up came off as contrived and resulted in more forced conflict for the pair.

Hank and Dawn's Season 2 story began with bliss, allowing us to see them genuinely happy for a change, but that only paved the way for more of the same - something that ultimately hindered their progression this season.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.