Titans Season 2: Ranking Every Character From Worst To Best

10. Rachel Roth/Raven

Titans Season 2 Robin Wonder Girl Hawk Dove Aqualad
Warner Bros.

Though the move into more optimistic territory definitely worked in Titans' favour, it seemed to have a bit of a negative impact on the person who spawned all the darkness in the first place. Rachel's demonic origins were at the heart of Season 1, but following her rise to defeat her father Trigon in the premiere, her juiciest material has been far and few between.

There have been snippets of brilliance, such as the ever-growing concerns over her loss of control when unleashing her powers - not-to-mention her sweet flashback moments with Gar - and Teagan Croft proved herself as a force to reckoned with in some of her more powerful scenes, but the lack of a coherent and consistent narrative for Rachel undercut the character's importance to the show.

By no means something that she can't come back from, let's hope Season 3 finds a balance between too much and too little Raven.

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Michael Patterson is an experienced writer with an affinity for all things film and TV. He may or may not have spent his childhood obsessing over WWE.