Top 10 Golden Girls Guest Stars

1. Leslie Nielsen

There was only one man who could truly tame the wild heart of Dorothy Zbornak, and it was comedy icon Leslie Nielsen. Nielsen portrayed Blanche's uncle, Lucas Hollingsworth, who came to visit his niece in part one of the two-part series finale. Blanche, however, had a date planned, so she had Dorothy take her uncle out. The two had a horrible time, but decided to play a trick on Blanche by pretending they had immediately gotten engaged. This being a sitcom, real love soon followed. Two months later, on the final episode of The Golden Girls, Dorothy and Lucas were married. For once, there was no other shoe waiting to drop €“ Lucas wasn't a philanderer, or a criminal, or a priest. Even a last-minute gambit employed by Dorothy's ex-husband, Stan €“ who posed as Dorothy's limo driver to plead for her forgiveness and return one last time €“ couldn't keen the former Mrs. Zbornak from the altar. After seven years of highs and lows €“ reeling from the betrayal of a husband, but strengthened by the bonds of friends and family €“ Dorothy had found true love.
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Golden Girls
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Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013