Top 10 Golden Girls Guest Stars

3. George Clooney

When a new couple on the girls' block is suspected of being a pair of wanted jewel thieves, the police run a stakeout based in the kitchen of our favorite sexy sexagenarians. The older officer, a gruff veteran with a callous exterior, butts heads with Dorothy before the two fall for each other, but the younger officer catches Blanche's eye €“ and it's hard to blame her, considering he's played by George Clooney! Clooney was a spry 26-year-old at the time of filming €“ right up Blanche's alley. Unfortunately, tragedy nearly ensues €“ during a raid on the thieves' house, Clooney's character, Bobby Hopkins, is shot! Thankfully, the bullet misses any vital organs, but Dorothy, frightened by the prospect of losing a lover, must rebuff the older officer. It's a painful ending €“ especially for Blanche, who never got to teach Bobby a thing or two about the ways of the world. Also, it's pretty impressive to think that a young Clooney was on a show centered around Betty White being old, while now Clooney's old, and Betty White's still a superstar.
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Golden Girls
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Scott Fried is a Slammy Award-winning* writer living and working in New York City. He has been following/writing about professional wrestling for many years and is a graduate of Lance Storm's Storm Wrestling Academy. Follow him on Twitter at *Best Crowd of the Year, 2013