The Simpsons: 10 Secondary Characters Voiced By Hank Azaria

9. Disco Stu

First Apperance: "Two Bad Neighbors," Season 7. The ultimate example of an enduring character originally created as a throwaway joke, Disco Stu first appeared outside the Simpsons' house during a neighborhood rummage sale. After Marge confronted Homer about a denim jacket he decorated with rhinestones to read "Disco Stu" (Homer- "I wanted to write 'Disco Stud' but I ran out of space") a nondescript gentleman grabbed the jacket and showed it to a white leisure suit-wearing, afro'ed gentleman, telling him to buy it. That man's immortal answer: "Disco Stu... doesn't advertise." From that moment on, Disco Stu became a staple of bad 70s jokes, random person on the street comments, and was a familiar face in bars and dance-club scenes throughout Springfield. He always refers to himself in the third-person, has tried to pick up Marge at a ski lodge, identifies as a Christian, and is addicted to sugar (which he eats with a rolled-up dollar bill like cocaine.) He's even been given his own back story- at one time he called himself "Nautical Stu" until Marge turned him on to disco music- and is one of many ex-husbands of Marge's sister, Selma. ("Disco Stu just got an annulment from John Paul II.") Funniest Moment: At the Springfield Franchise Expo, Disco Stu extolls the virtues of his planned "Disco Stu's Can't Stop The Learnin' Disco Academy." Disco Stu: "Did you know that disco record sales were up 400% for the year ending 1976? If these trends continue... A-y-y-y!" (Puts feet on desk; he's wearing platforms with goldfish in the bottoms.) Homer: "Uh, your fish are dead." Disco Stu: "Yeah, I know. I can't get them out."
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The 'House is a father of two and husband of one in Minnesota. He is an improv comedian, and in his spare time follows WWE, MLB, The Simpsons, and Bob's Burgers. Growing up he was a huge fan of He-Man, and refuses to believe that it was in fact terrible.