Top 10 Still Game Episodes

5. Lights Out - Season 6, Episode 3

Still Game

What would happen in a Glaswegian housing scheme if all the lights and power was cut off for a few days? Wonder no more as Still Game has answered the question for us. Mayhem, anarchy, destruction, violence, and criminal activity is the answer sadly, but if you grew up in Glasgow, I think you knew that already.

Showing how rumours get started, an accident at a power plant cuts all the power off to Craigland and the surrounding areas. After getting used to not having any power, the residents need to deal with the reality of night time. Shug has the right idea to haul up in the house till the power comes back but after helping out Isa, he finds himself in trouble with Jack and Victor. Winston is there to save the day though, delivering some Hollywood-esque action hero lines as he does it.

I can't put my finger on what makes this episode stand out to me, but the scene with Tam and Bobby trying to pay for a pint is gold. Under the cover of darkness, Tam hands over a fiver to Bobby to pay for his drinks. However, Bobby finds out "that's no a fiver tam, that's a drawing ae a fiver." Tam being Tam, has drawn out a five-pound note and tried to pass it off as legal tender. How he escaped being barred then and there we'll never know.

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Graphic designer, guitarist, rock n roll aficionado, wrestling enthusiast, football fan, pretend NFL understander, TV watcher and cinema goer.