Top 10 Still Game Episodes

6. Fly Society - Season 6, Episode 2

Still Game

The first episode in this list from an incredibly strong 6th season.

This episode starts with Tam winning a radio contest. When he realises he can't accept the prize, Jack and Victor go in his place. A trip to the theatre and a 3-course meal for two before it is on the cards. Whilst in the restaurant they meet two ladies, high class and wealthy, and then the lies just start flowing. One thing leads to another and they end up at a posh party in a fancy house in the country, pretending to be two businessmen who built their empire on beetroot, thank you, Tam!

The lies continue to come thick and fast, with Winston, Tam, and Isa getting in on the action, but it all comes out in the end when they must flee the party with the police on the way. Naturally the two ladies from the theatre are also no better than our heroes.

Fly Society has a lot going for it in my opinion. Remember the one-liners from the previous entry? This episode is jam-packed with them. We have, "oh, the length of this hall," "We even kicked a giraffe to death once," and last but not least, a personal favourite of mine, "I've got a boat!"

We also have a nod to the original Chewin' The Fat in here. When Tam finds out where Jack and Victor are going, he says "Ohhhh the Grange" and if you've ever seen Chewin' The Fat, you know what that's about.

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Still Game
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Graphic designer, guitarist, rock n roll aficionado, wrestling enthusiast, football fan, pretend NFL understander, TV watcher and cinema goer.