Top 10 Still Game Episodes

3. Oot - Season 3, Episode 5

Still Game

An episode very dear to my heart here, as in my circle of friends I am affectionately described as the hermit. So, Archie, I'm with you on this one!

Archie has been hauled up in his flat since the '60s and is forced to move when his block is being demolished, making him come out of his house for the first time in decades. Jack, Victor, Winston, and Isa take him under their wing and bring him as up to date as they can about all that has changed.

It's an episode where Winston is up to his own thing, and in this one he's building his own TV. Jack, Victor, Tam, Navid, Eric, and Archie all head up to Winston's to see the debut of this home cinema, and it is quite literally lit. After a small fire at Winston', they get to Archie's new flat, only to find it has been broken into. Following this, Archie decides to stay indoors again, with all the comforts of modern life.

One of the best moments of this episode - and there are more than a few - is the moment Archie is shown a microwave for the first time by Bobby. He's asked to touch a cold pie. Bobby puts it in the microwave for 30 seconds, takes it out with all the care in the world not to burn his hands, asks Archie to touch it now, and his reply is the deadpan "still cauld."

Sylvester McCoy plays Archie, in what was really the first instance of a big star taking a part in the series. Others would follow, but McCoy set the standard.

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Still Game
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Graphic designer, guitarist, rock n roll aficionado, wrestling enthusiast, football fan, pretend NFL understander, TV watcher and cinema goer.