Top 10 Still Game Episodes

2. Hyper - Season 6, Episode 5

Still Game

Navid is the central character in this tale, and his shop's fight against the big bargain wholesale warehouse, Hyperdales. One by one, the Craiglang residents become addicted to the low prices of Hyperdales, whilst Navid steadily loses customers to the big corporation. It soon becomes too much of an uphill battle, and his shop finally closes. Hungry for revenge, he decides to take it into his own hands and seemingly plans to burn the warehouse down. However, Jack, Victor, Winston, and Tam change his mind but end up getting locked in the shop and decide to make themselves comfortable for the night. In the end, though, a bad idea to use a can of petrol to start a barbecue leads to the warehouse eventually burning down.

There is a lot going on in this episode. The ever-tight Tam, after getting a nasty shock off the toaster, becomes a charitable money dispenser, with Winston taking him for every penny he can, feeling that he is owed for years of shilling out with not even a pint in return. He is finally zapped back to normality when they're locked in the shop, and he goes crazy, surrounded with all this free merchandise and no one to catch them.

Jack and Victor are torn between loyalty and doing what is best for their wallets, with the money coming out on top, for a brief while, before they realise they have let Navid down and are now forced to do all of their shopping at Hyperdales.

Everyone agrees that Hyper is one of the best episodes of the series, and I'm firmly a believer of that.

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Graphic designer, guitarist, rock n roll aficionado, wrestling enthusiast, football fan, pretend NFL understander, TV watcher and cinema goer.