Top 10 TV Bromances

8. Walt and Jesse (Breaking Bad)

Some partnerships you instantly know are going to work. Two guys get along perfectly, share the same values, laugh at the same jokes, drink the same beer. Walter White and Jesse Pinkman are not this pair. Thrown together through circumstance and opportunity, a chemistry teacher and a former student form a business relationship that, through some serious strife and hardship, becomes a bond almost akin to a father and son relationship. Few partners have butted heads as much as Jesse and Walt, and while Walter made the unforgivable transgression at the end of season four by poisoning Jesse's would-be stepson, it's an error Jesse is still unaware of, and were he to find out, crap would most definitely hit the fan. That said, there have been plenty of moments throughout their story where Walt and Jesse have been a pair worth watching. Also, it's well worth mentioning the season-long arc and bond that developed between Mike and Jesse in season four, which was in many ways a lot stronger and built on far more mutual respect than the one between Walt and Jesse. Best bromance moment: Walt and Jesse meet at the hospital car park and shake hands after successfully killing Gus.
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When not writing Chris spends more time thinking about playing videogames than actually playing them and can usually be found reorganizing his Blu Ray and book collections. He owns four different editions of A Song of Ice and Fire and no, it isn't overkill. He's left the neon haze of Tokyo and Seoul for the more sedate streets of Bournemouth.