Top 5 Everymen Characters On TV

3. Herc And Carver - The Wire

Herc And Carver1 As Everyman as any man. Let's look at the list of things these two do while at work, and as a bonus game cross the things off the list you wouldn't do if you didn't have the opportunity or lack of conscience. There's spending practically the first two seasons sitting on their asses complaining about work. Then there's spending the rest of their day hassling drug dealers, followed by a quiet few under the bridge. On a busy day they get to rob drug dealers too. So how many did you cross off? None? Me too. Herc and Carver are the epitome of people at work. We all slouch through our days dragging our feet, either dying from the previous weekend or looking forward to the next. We may not do it quite as often as these to fellows €“ certainly in the early seasons, at least €“ but we've all had lazy days, we've all had asshole colleagues, and we've all had hardline bosses who thought us incompetent. And, finally, we've all met somebody we don't want to coming out of the cinema. That's enough to get them on the list alone. And the fact that they're in The Wire, of course,.

Finally putting my English Degree to some use.