Top 5 Everymen Characters On TV

1. Nev Schulman/Max Joseph in Catfish and Catfish: The TV Show


For those who haven't seen it, I advise you. Catfish is brilliant and features two of the most loveable people in the world, who both deal with situations in a civil, level-headed and decent way to which you can only hope aspire. They pull off the uncanny task of making viewers feel sorry for people who habitually lie and cheat their way into love. This is admittedly not always the case, because they do run into some frightfully creepy people (Justin anyone?) and even then they still try to hear both sides of the story. So how are Max and Neve not the epitome of everymen of TV? While we have all been through some of the transgressions the characters in this list have been through, we have almost certainly been robbed of our opportunity for closure when a person has lied to us. Nev and Max offer us a chance at that closure while being so much more fair-minded than we ever would be. Yes, they goof about and disagree but they are very good at what they do and what they do is very good. So there you have it folks, the Top 5 Everymen in TV. Agree? Disagree? Let me know. If there are enough other suggestions, I'd be up for doing another article, so let me know.

Finally putting my English Degree to some use.