Top 5 TV Geek Moments Of 2012

2. Goodbye, Amy And Rory - Doctor Who

Amy Pond Millions of us cried like babies when the Doctor's most recent companions were written off the show courtesy of the Weeping Angels, and looking back, it's not hard to see why. Had it not been for our number one choice this would easily have been the most gut-wrenchingly sad moment of 2012 - something Doctor Who is notoriously good at when it needs to be. Those two names appearing on a headstone in a graveyard (conveniently the one Matt Smith was standing in) will remain one of the most haunting and tragic Sci-Fi moments of all time, not just 2012, and the next series has a lot to live up to. Let's hope it achieves it.

Master of Quack-Fu. Fishfinger Sandwich aficionado. Troll Hunter.