True Detective Season 2: 10 Big Questions From Episode 1

4. Is Ani's Dad Hippie Cult Tied To The Murder?

Ani's hard-boiled nature is partially explained when her father is revealed to be the leader of a hippie commune, their strained relationship hinting at her desire to so relentlessly dedicate herself to law enforcement. This being True Detective, the introduction of a cult-like group should be immediately treat with suspicion. Unlike Season 1's cult, a largely defunct Lovecraftian family buried within the Louisiana undergrowth, these guys are very much out in the open. It wouldn't be a surprise to see the group linked with the season's all-encompassing murder storyline in some capacity, although the decision to again give the antagonists a cult background is unlikely. They'll potentially be involved in some way, but probably not in the role of unsettling villains. Questions Raised: Does this commune tie into the murder plot, or the missing person case? If so, how?
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.