Umbrella Academy: 14 Standout Moments From Season 1

4. Sister Squabble

Umbrella Academy Vanya Allison

If there's one thing this show has plenty of, it's sibling rivalry that often ends in fisticuffs. However, the two people who seemed to let go of any really bad feelings were Allison and Vanya. Ever since the beginning, Allison showed her sister the love that others in the family weren't able to give her following her tell all book.

However, when Vanya starts to gain control of her powers and Allison explains that she might've been manipulated by their father into helping hide them, Vanya starts to lose control and taking out her rage on Allison by slicing her throat with the bow from her violin. It's a huge change for Vanya as she switches from almost being a side plot to the show's main villain in one quick moment.

Clearly this was a bad move on Vanya's part, but something the show overall needed. Although Hazel and Cha were fun villains with an interesting dynamic, the series needed a true big bad and Vanya certainly became it.


Co-host of The Ill-Informed Podcast, jiu-jitsu fiend, MMA lover, movie fan, anime nerd, music snob.