Utopia Series 2: 5 Things We'd Love To See

3. Keep The Stunning Visuals

utopia-visuals Let's be honest, as disconcerting it is to see how bright and oversaturated is in the Utopia universe, it's also absolutely enchanting and gorgeous to look at. It doesn't matter if it's the shockingly bright canary yellow of the main titles and the DVD cover to the icy turquoise walls, lush green landscapes or violent sprays of red blood, the whole thing is a visual delight to look at. Hopefully they'll maintain for the second season - not only does it make the show stand out in a striking and impressive way, it also hints at the grander universe we're living in. Everything is oversaturated because our universe, or Utopia's version of it, is to the maximum - our governments may not be planning big conspiracies, but there are always secrets they're hiding; just as the violence is always over-the-top because we're living in an ultra-violent dystopia. And it looks good.
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Leeds native, film fanatic, TV obsessive and relentless pop music fan. Sings off-key at any chance.