Vikings: 9 Most Shocking Moments So Far

8. The Death Of Ragnar

Ragnar Lothbrok Death Vikings
The History Channel

Some might argue that this should be higher on this list, but if you were paying close attention to the show then you knew Ragnar’s story would eventually come to an end.

At the start of season 4 part 2, Ragnar returns to Kattegat from exile as a changed man. He no longer wishes to be the warrior he once was and seems to be battling his inner demons.

Ragnar eventually returns to Wessex and is captured. In this time, he has multiple conversations with Egbert about god and belief, and you can see that their friendship is still strong, but Ragnar needs to be punished for his crimes. At this point we all know what is coming but that doesn’t make it any easier.

In a shocking final moment, Ragnar is given over to King Aelle and dropped into a pit of snakes to be killed. It a something that was always inevitable and teased when Aelle first used it on one of his own men, but no matter how much we might have seen it coming that still didn’t stop us from being in disbelief. And it doesn't stop everyone hoping it wasn't real and Ragnar will return.

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Self proclaimed master of anime, heathen, and all around good dude. "These bio's make me feel weird... just follow me on twitter or something. Enjoy the read!"