Vikings: Every Character Based On Real Historical Figures

17. Floki

Vikings Poster
MGM Television

Floki, whose full name is Hrafna-Flóki Vilgerðarson, was the first Viking who traveled to Iceland intentionally. Two others had been there before him, but they had arrived there accidentally. Floki used ravens to find the land and assess how far away they were. This is what gave him the name Hrafna-Flóki, meaning Raven Floki.

In the show Floki doesn't travel to Iceland until Season 5, so everything he does before that is not based on the real man's life. It is highly unlikely that he knew Ragnar Lothbrok or anyone associated with him.

When he travels to Iceland in the show, his wife and child have already died so we goes with a ragtag group of villagers that he manages to gather together. However, in the historical sources it says he moved with his wife and children and they settled in the northwestern part of the island.

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Jessica B. Esser hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.