Vikings: Every Season Ranked Worst To Best

4. Season 4A

Vikings Ragnar And Floki
MGM Television

Season 4A of Vikings feels like the climax of everything up to this point. So many character relationships come to a head, and, whilst Ragnar succumbs to corruption, Rollo ascends. This switch in the sibling power dynamic is something that has been building up since the beginning, with Rollo’s character arc ultimately climaxing.

This season really is the downfall of Vikings' main protagonist, and it is almost a recurring theme for others to outgrow Ragnar as he loses his grip on reality.

Namely, Bjorn comes into his own after a trip to the wilderness. Besting a Berserker and bear, he becomes a force to be reckoned with. The small boy from Season 1 has grown into a fully-fledged Viking. Meanwhile Ragnar's main rival, King Ecbert, continues to prove himself the biggest Machiavel in all Saxon England as he gets one step closer to achieving his goal of one England.

The season does have a few shortcomings, though, with one major one being Yidu’s character and how she can often feel forced at times. Despite this, it is still shocking to see Ragnar drown her for fear of exposing what happened to the settlement in Wessex - and this only cements Ragnar’s moral decline and the lengths he is willing to go to preserve his reputation.

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You can find me either behind a camera or a screen. A prolific nerd, videographer and freelance writer - 90% of my brain power goes towards remembering useless trivia and the rest is Film quotes.