The Walking Dead: 10 Best New Characters From Season 4
8. Gareth
Gareth was only in one of the episodes in Season 4. The finale. But he sure made a massive impact as the leader of the seemingly deranged Terminus. Within 20 minutes of his introduction, he had 4 of our most loved characters locked in a storage container, and we soon discover that he had already locked up all of our other heroes as well (with the exception of Beth, Tyreese, Carol & Judith as far as we know). Of course, he hadn't locked them all up himself. But he's the leader. He calls the shots. From his introduction, he seemed a nice, friendly, welcoming man, and seemed somewhat down to earth. Even the rest of his companions did (except Mary, she was downright creepy). But as soon as we see the members of Terminus roaming around with Glenn's watch, Eugene's riot gear and Maggie's poncho, we knew that these guys were dangerous. And Gareth is at the centre of it all. He sure is going to be a fascinating character for Season 5, however since he was only in the final 20 minutes of the season finale (albeit a very powerful 20 minutes), I struggle to place him higher up on the list. But I'm sure he is going to be a very creepy villain for Season 5.