The Walking Dead: 10 Most Brutal Deaths To Date

4. Tyreese

Appears In: Comic Cause Of Death: Decapitated By The Governor (again) Yep, The Governor's at it once again, lopping the heads off of our favorite characters. This time we look at the comic book scene that was the inspiration behind the death of Hershel we previously explored, but this time it is to a more devastating and meaningful effect. Instead of a few words of friendly advice being what tips the Governor over the edge into insanity, Tyreese is used as a bargaining chip and an attempt at having leverage on Rick. Why It's So Brutal In an act of cold pragmatism, Rick decides to let Tyreese die so that the rest of the group can live, refusing to negotiate with the terrorist. Tyreese reiterates this sentiment, standing his ground and ordering the survivors that they not give into The Governor's demands. It's a tough decision and one that only makes sense in a world that's fallen to the dead. We understand why it must happen but it doesn't make it any easier to watch as The Governor swings down his sword into the back of Tyreese's neck and the lengthy act of decapitation is seen in all of it's gory glory. A favorite with the fans, and even creator Robert Kirkman himself, it's one of the hardest moments in the series to endure as a true hero is laid to rest, one who remains vigilant in integrity and uncompromising in resolve until the very end. To add insult to injury, Michonne, who has a romantic relationship with Tyreese in the comic, is left to put him to peace when his rolling head reanimates again.

Hamish Kearvell hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.