The Walking Dead: 10 Most Brutal Deaths To Date

3. Lee Everett

Appears In: The Walking Dead Game (Season One) Cause Of Death: Either shot to death, or left to reanimate Throughout the initial five episodes of The Walking Dead's first season you play as Lee Everett, a man who was on his way to the Big House when the apocalypse hit. After escaping from an overturned police vehicle he soon meets abandoned little girl, Clementine, and is tasked with taking care of her and to protect her from the horrors of the new world. It is this relationship forged between Lee and Clem that forms the basis of the game's primary plot - how you choose to raise her in a world not fit for children and whether you try and protect her innocence, or cast it into the proverbial grave so she can have a better chance at survival. It results in you having to make some of the most difficult decisions in the game, most of which end up boiling down to what you believe is the lesser of two evils. This comes full circle at the end of the game when Lee finally starts to succumb to a bite inflicted at the end of the penultimate episode. The player knows full well where the final episode is headed, with Lee making a last ditch effort to rescue a captured Clem before he inevitably passes. You finally rescue Clem but soon after you pass out from the infection coursing through your veins. Why It's So Brutal When you regain consciousness, you must explain to Clem what is going to happen and what she must now do through a number of depressing dialogue options. You are then faced with the most heartbreaking choice in the game - either you command Clem to put Lee out of his misery by shooting him to death, or abandon him, leaving him handcuffed to a radiator to reanimate and rot. It's a decision you make based on how you've treated Clem throughout the game but no matter the choice, you are leaving a young defenseless girl alone in a world of death and darkness, someone you've come to view as your own and sacrificed everything to keep safe. It's the huge, emotional pay off of the series, a climax you knew was coming but could still never be fully prepared for. As Clem makes a teary, hopeless plea for Lee to stay with her you'll be hard pressed to find a fan who won't admit to becoming an emotional wreck during this torturous moment.

Hamish Kearvell hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.