The Walking Dead: 15 Best Zombie Kills (So Far)

1. Daryl Puts Down Merle ("The Sorrowful Life")

Walking Dead Daryl Merle When Rick decides that the group's best course of action would be to give in to the Governor's demands and hand over Michonne, Merle attacks and kidnaps her before Rick can change his mind (which he does). Eventually, though, Merle sets her free and attacks the Governor on his own, killing several fighters from Woodbury and losing his own life in the process. When Daryl arrives on the scene, he finds several of the Governor's men being munched on by a number of random Walkers...and Merle. Daryl's face crumples, and he shoves zombie Merle away a few times before he can bring himself to draw his knife. Finally, Daryl takes him down. Why It's Great: The Dixon brothers had an interesting relationship in season three. Daryl had grown into a man of his own, accepting responsibility and helping others, but blood was blood, and Merle was his big brother. For his part, Merle was verbally abusive, domineering, violent, and an overall awful person, but he genuinely loved Daryl. By the end, Merle was still a terrible man who did terrible things, but he at least made an overture for good for the sake of protecting his little brother. It's therefore rather tragic that Daryl was only spared the intended sacrifice of Michonne to then have to put down Merle. It's very sad until suddenly, it becomes cathartic. Daryl, the heartbroken younger brother who had been conditioned into loving Merle, tackles Merle and stabs him over and over again in the face until he is unrecognizable. So that's what I think? What do you think? Have I missed any out? Feel free to comment!

Fiction buff and writer. If it's on Netflix, it's probably in my queue. I've bought DVDs for the special features and usually claim that the book is better than the movie or show (and can provide examples). I've never met a TV show that I won't marathon. Follow on Twitter @lah9891 .