The Walking Dead: 25 Coolest Walkers So Far

3. Riot Gear Walkers

When the group attempted to take the prison, we probably thought we'd seen almost every form of walker we could ever encounter, but that was thrown out of the window in a style that would have fit in an video game with the riot gear walkers. These two former prison guards came shambling round a corner in front of the group, and Maggie's expression of sheer terror mirrored our own, it was like suddenly coming up against a level boss when you're dangerously low on health.

2. Hershel's Head

Hershel's death was undoubtedly one of the most anger-inducing kills on the show so far, given with the violent and needless way he met his end. We were all still grieving for the invincible veterinarian when Michonne made her way through the wreckage of the prison at the start of the second half of the current season, only to find the zombified head of the Greene family gasping away where it fell. A character with so much dignity and control had been reduced to a flesh-hungry ball on the grass, truly upsetting, but sickly brilliant.

1. Walker In The Well

The award for coolest and most sickening walker of the lot goes to the walker in the well at the Greene farm. His bloated appearance was nothing short of foul, and we all squirmed uncomfortably as Glenn was lowered into the well to lasso the monstrous thing out of there. But of course, the crowning moment of disgusting glory came when the walker burst and split in half at the top of the well, easily one of the best gross-out moments on the show to date. Do you have any other favourite walkers that made your skin crawl? Let us know in the comment section below.

English MA Graduate, passionate about film, Sunderland A.F.C., tv and music with guitars found somewhere in it.