The Walking Dead: 5 Characters That Should Die (And 5 That Shouldn't)

2. Maggie

Maggie Maggie's transformation on the show has been one of the most dramatic, and yet she still represents the humanity and emotional core of the show. She convincingly portrays what it would really be like to experience such horrible things as what she's been through, sometimes with nothing more than the expression on her face. What she and Glen had to endure in Woodbury was one of the most traumatic parts of the series and made them stronger and more believable as a couple struggling to survive under terrible circumstances, and at the same time falling in love with each other. She is also the female equivalent to Daryl. Whereas Daryl attracts a lot of the female viewers, Maggie exudes sex appeal to the male audience. They've been through so much together, and they still have so much more to experience. And with Andrea gone, I could see Maggie taking on some aspects of her character the way the show has told similar stories from the comics through different characters on the show in the past. As much as some people were happy to see Andrea go, her story was definitely cut short. It would be cool to see Maggie embody some of those traits. Glen and Maggie are by far my personal favorite couple from the book and the show. I would be completely devastated if she was killed. Glen and Maggie forever!!!

Obsessive fan of film, TV, books, comics, music, podcasts, and more. I celebrate all things nerdy--especially Star Wars. I'm an avid collector of memorabilia and vinyl records. I'm a freelance writer and ranter, residing in Seattle WA. Follow me on twitter @JakeSkywalker33