The Walking Dead: 5 Reasons The Show Needs The Governor

1. He's The Main Antagonist

Gov1 The most obvious point to make about the character is that he is the main antagonist of the show. This may seem like it doesn't warrant saying but by now the zombies have really become a peripheral threat €“ everyone can deal with them without issue unless they're heavily outnumbered. The themes of sickness and addiction of this series also pose a threat but not in the form of anything tangible. Yet the threat cannot be metaphysical forever €“ The Walking Dead as a TV show requires someone to root against amid a sea of morally ambiguous choices. Thus cue The Governor, pure evil in a handsome gilet. Despite the central characters' shortcomings, it makes total narrative sense to give them all a common goal to work against. The last season saw The Governor's transition from control freak to psychopath and in the remainder of number four we're likely to see the consequences of this transformation. Plus, judging by what we've seen so far €“ who motionlessly stares down a walker and lets it burn itself without blinking? €“ it ain't gonna be pretty. We have our heroes, the plucky survivors who are trying to rebuild society from nothing. The destructive force of the illness ensured that we're to return to a stripped down cast very soon and they'll need something to do with themselves. Things will soon need a good shake up, and for that job? The Governor gets my vote. So that's what I think. What do you think? Feel free to comment!

A pop culture mad writer from the North East who loves films, television and debating them with whoever will listen. Follow me on Twitter @Johno_Patterson