The Walking Dead 'Indifference': 5 Reasons Rick's Right

1. Rick Is Evolving From The Old Ways

Walking Dead Carol Leaving As an extension of the previous point, Carol€™s method of action is not wrong, but it is the desperate method of their past. When the group was on the road, they were forced to sleep with one eye open. A single misstep could land them surrounded by a herd of walkers. On the road, the group had to be unquestionably unified €“ there was simply no place for individual thought. In that case, Rick€™s dictatorship was an effective and necessary means of survival. Cut the cr*p and cut the walkers, that€™s all there was to it. In this season, Carol has clearly tried to maintain this ruthless and desperate means of survival. However, Rick is right to move forward, striving to develop a safer community with less paranoia. He wants to sleep with no eyes open, waking up to pancakes in the morning. It€™s a long shot, but the prison has shifted the priorities of the group and Rick is right to follow suit. With this in mind, Rick is clearly sending off the old way of thinking, so it€™s only fitting that Carol drive off in a car labelled €œpardon our dust.€ At this point in time, there€™s no place for Carol€™s ruthless methods. They haven€™t needed it since they were on the road €“ it€™s been gathering dust and it was time for Rick to ship it off. Of course, that€™s not to say they€™ll never need it again. Carol€™s gone and, as far as I can tell, Rick made the right decision, but it could still come back to bite him. Perhaps more literally than he thinks. What do you think? Is Rick right? Is Carol right? Am I wrong? Let me know in the comments below!

I received my Bachelor's Degree in English Literature and Film Studies with Highest Honours at Carleton University. I've got an obsession with fiction that I'd love to share with the world; I hope you'll join me while I discuss the greatest or latest films and television shows. You can follow me on Twitter @AdaptedInAction to keep up with my articles.