The Walking Dead Season 6: 8 Characters Who Might Meet Lucille

7. Daryl Dixon

The phrase "fan favorite" gets thrown around a lot, but nobody is bigger than Daryl on The Walking Dead. He's used in all of the advertisements, pretty much every game has him as the star and if you look up Walking Dead merchandise online, 99% of the products sold will feature his face in some way. Considering that he started off as the brother of a racist drugged-out hillbilly, it's pretty surprising that the fans latched onto him. He is without a doubt the most popular character on the show despite the fact that he really hasn't done anything. This makes him a perfect candidate to meet Lucille at the end of this season. Nothing would be more shocking for the viewers to see their favorite character have his plot armor broken with the crack of a baseball bat, but there are some problems with killing off Daryl. As said, he is more or less the main character when it comes to marketing and selling merchandise. If they kill him, they lose that flow of income. The Walking Dead is one of the most watched television shows, but cutting out such a big money maker seems like something the producers would never allow. But that fact alone would make his death all the more shocking. Even the jaded internet fans who dislike Daryl because of his fan base would be surprised. Just look at when Brock Lesnar defeated The Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Even people that never watch wrestling were surprised.

Any time I'm not writing, I'm likely arguing about children's cartoons with strangers on the internet or staring at my ceiling and wondering where it all went wrong.