The Walking Dead Season 6: 8 Characters Who Might Meet Lucille

6. Father Gabriel

Most people don't like Father Gabriel. The cowardly priest who doomed his congregation as he hid in his church with enough supplies to last him for years hasn't exactly made friends on the show. He has accused Rick's group of being wolves in sheep's clothing in an attempt to get them thrown out of Alexandria, he's gotten members of Rick's crew killed thanks to his inaction and has even allowed walkers to enter the town thanks entirely to his inability to close the only door that needed to be closed. But he's trying to change. We've seen him take on a wolf in a recent episode and ask Carl to teach him how to fight, and he has all season to make amends for his past. We could even end up liking Gabriel by the time Negan shows up, and the brutal killing of a redeemed priest would be a great way show just how ruthless and edgy Negan is without needing him to drop an F bomb every other word like he does in the comics.

Any time I'm not writing, I'm likely arguing about children's cartoons with strangers on the internet or staring at my ceiling and wondering where it all went wrong.