WandaVision: 10 Biggest New Reveals From EW's Cover Story And Stills

4. Kathryn Hahn's "Nosy Neighbour"

WandaVision EW
Marvel Studios/Entertainment Weekly

Westview won't just be home to the Scarlet Witch and The Vision, of course, as Kathryn Hahn will be taking on the role of Agnes, a typical "nosy neighbour." She's going to "gleefully" insert herself into their lives in this town, and the actress, who describes her role as part Ethel from I Love Lucy, part Gladys from Bewitched - wasn't willing to give too much away talking to the magazine.

"[She's] the next-door neighbor that won't get off their couch at the end of the night," Hahn explains. "She's the one that's just going to be always in your business."

"I’ve always loved that gasp of human magic that they have," she adds of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. "It’s not like I had never done anything like this, but especially since becoming a mom, I have always been interested in those jolts of adrenaline and humanity."

The prevailing theory is that Hahn is playing a new version of Agatha Harkness, the leader of a coven of real witches who, for some reason, have big plans for Wanda Maximoff.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.