WandaVision: 10 Biggest New Reveals From EW's Cover Story And Stills

3. Shows Like WandaVision Are Set Firmly Within The MCU

WandaVision EW
Marvel Studios

While you might think this is a given, there's been some confusion online about what these Marvel TV shows on Disney+ will actually mean for the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

After all, the likes of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Daredevil, and Runaways had no impact on what happened on the big screen, and fans desperate to see Luke Cage or Cloak and Dagger assembling alongside the Avengers were disappointed again and again. The difference is, those were produced by Marvel Television, whereas these Disney+ shows are 100% Marvel Studios.

As the magazine explains, Kevin Feige and company have "full creative control and character-driven stories that would more explicitly tie in to their big-screen counterparts." The Marvel Studios President adds, "It really energized everyone creatively at the studio, the notion that we could play in a new medium and throw the rules out the window in terms of structure and format."

In other words, these shows actually matter, and WandaVision picks up directly after the events of Avengers: Endgame (where The Vision was still very much dead).


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