WandaVision: 10 Things We Need To See

5. More Monica Rambeau

WandaVision Vision Halloween
Marvel Studios

By far, Monica Rambeau has been the one really stealing the show in the past few episodes of WandaVision.

After being shot out of the simulation like a cannon by Wanda, the exposition that we've gotten on her role as a SWORD agent and as the daughter of Maria Rambeau has been a real nice way of tying everything back into the MCU. Even though she is pivotal at this stage, this really feels like the beginning for her.

Across the past few episodes, Monica has been a really important component to getting Wanda out of her own head, seeing how she was one of the few who managed to find her way out of the simulation. Aside from just a few badass lines though, we need to hear some more about her past, especially considering that she heard about her mother passing away in such a quick fashion at the beginning of episode four. Since she was the cute kid that we got to know in Captain Marvel, it's worth seeing her journey from this little kid to the no-BS agent that we see onscreen now.

As far as the plot development is concerned, the arc of Monica's character should be something special if she's going to be used outside of just this one Disney+ series. If given the right tools, the plot development from her alone might be enough to eclipse Wanda on her own show.


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