WandaVision Ep 1 & 2 - Easter Eggs You Missed

5. The House Of M

WandaVision House of M

There’s no way we can ignore the importance of the comics that this show is based on: those in which the story basically goes that Wanda suffers a mental break after the death of her children and creates her own world where they can be alive and with her again.

Aside from the very obvious fact that Wanda is revealed to be pregnant at the end of episode two, throughout the whole episode there is constant reference to children. Under the pretext of preparing a charity talent show, there is constant affirmation that, “all of this is for the children!” Pair this with the mildly horrified look on Wanda’s face when, in the first episode, Mrs Hart asks why the couple have no kids, and it’s all a bit too much to ignore.

There’s even a blink-and-you-miss it moment where the House of M is right in front of our eyes. As Wanda expertly pours wine into the glasses for their dinner with the Harts, the bottle reads ‘Maison du Mépris’, which translates literally to 'House of Contempt' or (under the same kind of semantics) 'House of Misery'.

What a perfectly themed wine for a light-hearted dinner party!


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.