WandaVision Ep 1 & 2 - Easter Eggs You Missed

4. S.W.O.R.D

WandaVision House of M
Marvel Studios

Now the word on everyone’s lips: SWORD.

For those more casual consumers of the MCU, SWORD is pretty much the space version of SHIELD; standing for the Sentient World Observation and Response Department- which was a bit of a stretch to get the right acronym if you ask me.

If you were keeping your eyes peeled for sneaky easter-eggs when watching then you will have caught multiple appearances of the SWORD logo: first in the bottom left of the final shot of episode one, then on the side of the little helicopter toy Wanda finds in the bushes and finally on the back of the beekeeper’s suit as he waltzes out of the manhole, as you do.

This is leading us to start asking what SWORD’s role in all of this is. Monica Rambeau has been confirmed to be a SWORD agent, yet when asked for her name by Wanda she pauses before introducing herself as Geraldine. Suspicious, no? Perhaps she has been sent into Wanda’s world by SWORD to try and rescue someone or get a situation under control- but who and what? We see a full-sized helicopter flying through a dark red sky in one of the trailers, so could this toy be foreshadowing or are we gonna see things go all non-linear and have Wanda dematerialise attacking helicopters down into harmless toys?

At this point the possibilities are endless and each of them is so exciting.


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.