WandaVision Episode 4: 5 Biggest Talking Points

1. Wanda IS The Antagonist

wandavision wanda
Marvel Studios

One theory that has gotten more and more likely over the weeks has now been all but confirmed, with Wanda Maximoff seemingly playing the antagonist in her own story.

As established earlier, the residents of Westview are all under her control, with real people being held hostage in this reality, in order to fill the population of her fake village. The way that Herb and Agnes were talking to Vision in the previous episode seemed to nod at the fact that they are all aware that something is not quite right in Westview.

Later in this week's episode, Vision appears after his conversation in the driveway. He speaks to Wanda and, to her horror, appears to be missing the mind stone, with his face looking more like it did at the climax of Avengers: Infinity War than it does throughout WandaVision. This jump scare was an excellent example of Wanda's reality slowly falling apart around her, as she struggles to maintain a grip on the village.

Also, her loving husband appears to be growing more suspicious of his surroundings. Vision casts a handful of worried looks directly at the camera during this episode, as if he is working out that this isn't reality. Whenever Wanda is looking away, Vision looks concerned and fearful that something is not right, suggesting that he will eventually figure it out.

Wanda's desire to stay inside this reality may eventually be her undoing, with her mental state clearly deteriorating over time. If someone such as Mephisto or Nightmare were to manipulate the Scarlet Witch, she could end up causing serious harm to characters that she previously claimed to side with.

It seems as though Maximoff will do anything to keep her reality exactly as it is, whether that involves rewinding time, adjusting her surroundings or manipulating her own husband. She will do whatever it takes, which might just cause her to wreak havoc on the entire multiverse as we know it.

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A freelance writer with an avid interest for film, tv and professional wrestling.