WandaVision Episode 4: 5 Biggest Talking Points

2. Agnes Wasn't On The Cast List

wandavision wanda
Marvel Studios

Randall Park's Jimmy Woo is every single MCU fan while watching WandaVision. In one scene, we see him with a large whiteboard, writing down all of his theories and questions about what he is seeing. Along with Darcy, Agent Woo is attempting to figure out exactly what is going on inside Westview.

Another shot from the episode shows us a board with pictures and files for some of the main residents in the village. Herb, Jones and Norm all have ID cards, along with Mr and Mrs Hart. However, there is one glaring omission from this - Agnes hasn't been identified.

If the people of Westview are indeed real people that Wanda has taken control of in order to populate her fantasy town, then where does that leave Agnes? This lends further weight to the theory that Agnes is actually Agatha Harkness, a fellow sorceress and key character in Wanda Maximoff's story in the comics.

This seems to suggest that Agnes will play a much bigger part going forward, perhaps even being the key to unravelling this fabricated reality, or ensuring it continues undisturbed.


A freelance writer with an avid interest for film, tv and professional wrestling.