WandaVision Episode 5 EXPLAINED - Losing Control & MCU Multiverse Madness

3. SWORD Suspicions

Wanda vision

Director Hayward is a dick, we know this. But after this episode we're becoming more suspicious of what his intentions and motivations are.

Firstly, people are asking what took him so long to show people the footage of Wanda breaking into SWORD? It was a mistake in one way to even reveal that footage, as it showed that Vision was no longer intact in one piece but spread across worktops. It's very possible that his parts were being examined and experimented on, with visions to weaponize them in the future.

Furthermore, why was he so keen to shoot Wanda in front of her kids? Everyone seemed taken aback in the moment that he ordered the drone to "take the shot"- especially Monica who was completely unaware that it was even armed! She is disposable, perhaps even someone he actively wants disposed of for reasons other than the control she has in Westview.

It seems that there must be something deeper going on here and increasingly fans are suspecting Hayward is involved with more twisted projects and missions than he's letting on.

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