WandaVision Episode 7: 5 Biggest Talking Points

2. We Didn't Meet Monica Rambeau's "Aerospace Engineer"

WandaVision Vision Episode Seven
Marvel Studios

After all the hype surrounding the reveal of Monica Rambeau's "aerospace engineer" friend, fans were left disappointed when there seemed to be no mention of them in the most recent episode.

Instead, viewers were introduced to Major Goodner, a member of the U.S. Air Force that apparently used to be very close to Monica's mother (and the founder of SWORD), Maria Rambeau. WandaVision fans took to Twitter to express their disappointment about the underwhelming reveal, with many anticipating a character such as Hank McCoy or Reed Richards to appear in the episode.

However, Marvel may have used Goodner as a misdirection. This episode saw major developments for the entire MCU, with Agatha Harkness' reveal and another character gaining powers. Introducing another newcomer to the MCU would have been overkill.

If Marvel do intend to make this engineer a large reveal, they would be wise to wait until another, less congested episode.

Having perused the depths of Marvel history, there does not seem to be any evidence of a Major Goodner, which leads many viewers to believe that we will meet the REAL aerospace engineer in one of the final two episodes.

Marvel Studios could, of course, just leave this question unanswered and allow viewers to stew over their theories... we will just have to wait and see.


A freelance writer with an avid interest for film, tv and professional wrestling.