WandaVision Episode 7: 5 Biggest Talking Points

1. Photon Is Here

WandaVision Vision Episode Seven

A powerful, emotional moment took place during Rambeau's crossing into Westview. She pushed through the boundary, as quotes from the Captain Marvel movie cycled through.

As Monica made her way from our reality into Wanda's, she emerged in a traditional "superhero landing" pose, with her eyes glowing blue. Finally, Monica has unlocked her powers.

In the comics, Monica Rambeau has gone by many aliases: Spectrum, Photon, and even Captain Marvel.

Her powers are very similar to those of Carol Danvers, as she can manipulate energy and create her own powerful surges and beams. When she initially arrives in Westview, we can see her point of view, which highlights all of the energy running through the town. She can see the power lines, the UV from the sun and even stars during daylight.

Although it was clear to fans of Marvel that she had her powers, Rambeau did not seem to realise her true potential in this episode, with it looking likely that she will discover her abilities in the final two - perhaps in a battle with a mind-controlled Maximoff, or a duel with Agatha Harkness herself.

This introduction has huge implications for the future of the MCU, setting her up for an appearance in the Captain Marvel sequel, as well as potential showcases in other galactic adventures.


A freelance writer with an avid interest for film, tv and professional wrestling.