WandaVision: Every Main Character Ranked From Worst To Best

4. Monica Rambeau

Jimmy Woo WandaVision

When Teyonah Parris first appeared as Geraldine in episode two, it was hard to gauge her or take her particularly seriously. This was because it was already confirmed that she was playing Monica Rambeau, so it was of no real surprise to anyone when she was kicked from the Hex and her true identity was ‘revealed’.

However, since then Monica went on to prove herself to be more than hero material. She had no problem standing up to Hayward, she sympathised with Wanda and wanted to help her rather than hurt her, and she had little regard for her own safety when the safety of others was compromised.

Of course, the big talking point revolving around Monica is the fact that she has come out the other side of WandaVision with super powers. She picked these up from going through the Hex barrier three times, and has already shown that she has got the potential to be a fantastic hero moving forward.

Though her abilities have yet to be fully explained, enough has been shown to interest fans, with her limit seemingly being something on a similar level to her Auntie Carol. After all, Captain Marvel’s powers came from an Infinity Stone, and since the Hex was essentially powered by one such stone, there is no reason to believe Monica and her powers won't continue to grow, as she follows in her mom's footsteps as an absolute badass.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.