Watch Doctor Who: Lets Kill Hitler Prequel

With the second half of the series now only weeks away, the genius that is Steven Moffat has written a prequel to the upcoming episode 'Lets Kill Hitler' and you can watch it here.

With the second half of the series now only weeks away (rumours claim the Doctor's return to be on the 27th of August) the genius that is Steven Moffat has written a prequel to the upcoming episode 'Lets Kill Hitler' - which Doctor Who fans have been salivating at the mouth to see after an unreasonable two months wait. Watch it below; Wow, what an emotional two minutes. Just goes to show that even with a very small timescale Moffat can deliver some quality drama and it really has us pumped for the new series. So what do you think? Are you excited about the second half of the series or has the long time gap meant you have lost interest? There's still some of us out there that believe these going to be the best episodes yet! Comments welcome below!

Now a fully graduated and official adult Thomas spends most of his days writing, playing x-box 360 and laughing at how his brain is bigger than all the haters out there.