Westworld Review: 10 Non-Spoiler Reasons It's HBO's Next Big Thing
3. The World Is Fantastically Well Created
If Westworld wants to succeed, not just in its first season but well beyond that, then it needs to get the world building right. It's one thing to present us with entertaining characters and an engaging story, but to go to the next level it needs to have a painstakingly created world, one with its own mythology, history, and set of rules.
So far, so good. Not only does it look gorgeous, but there's an established logic to this world as well. The robots each have their own roles to play, the visitors get to choose whether they're a hero or villain, and the creators control and manipulate it all like an A.I. version of The Hunger Games, with a real connection between each thread.
It's not as varied and scattered as, say, Westeros, but that's not the point. Westworld is a lovingly created and incredibly well-crafted world, where everything feels contained and connected.