Westworld Season 2: 12 Stupid Blunders That Completely Ruined It
10. It's Ugly And Cynical
Westworld had more humanity in season one, with the various romances and some well-written conversations keeping it afloat. This time around, there isn't any warmth, humor or soul whatsoever and most of the season is just people being shot.
It's such a dark, miserable and ugly show that watching it is just depressing. It's all very well when all this darkness actually means something, but since Westworld is so meaningless, viewing it is basically a depressing experience with no reward at all.
As well as this, the season always has a shock for shock's sake approach, as shown by the ludicrous way in which most of the cast died in the season finale. Perhaps Westworld wanted to copy Game of Thrones? Anyhow, whatever the reason, all these endless shocks serve no real purpose and are just exhausting.
The worst example of this was when William killed his own daughter when he thought she was a host; this was completely gratuitous and was just depressing and unpleasant rather than emotionally powerful.