What If...? - 25 Biggest WTF Moments

10. Jotun Loki

What If...? Guardians Of The Multiverse
Marvel Studios

Episode seven showed what would happen if Thor was brought up as an only child on Asgard. Without Loki to bounce off, fight with, play with, and grow up with, Thor became a very different person. He wasn’t the Asgardian warrior we have come to know and love in the main MCU continuity, he was a spoiled brat.

Loki however, was returned to his true parents on Jotunheim rather than being stolen from his home by Odin in the hopes of forging some sort of peace with the Frost Giants. Without the toxic influence from his adoptive father, and without Thor’s shadow from which to grow envious from, Loki grew up into a normal Frost Giant.

When the Ice Bros landed on Midgard for Thor’s party, Laufeyson and Odinson squared up and insulted each other before embracing as they rarely did when they were raised as actual brothers.

Not only was Loki’s look vastly different, his personality without the influence of the Allfather couldn’t have been any more different. He was fun loving, wasn’t filled with the hate that comes of being the least favourite child, and was in his right place in the world.

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What If...?
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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.