What If...? - 25 Biggest WTF Moments

6. A Fight Through The Multiverse

What If...? Guardians Of The Multiverse
Marvel Studios

There have been some incredibly powerful threats throughout the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The likes of Loki and Ultron the first time around were global threats, Ego, Thanos, and Dormammu were universal threats, but Infinity Ultron is the franchise’s first multiversal threat.

Even before he took the Infinity Stones assembled for him by Thanos, he had proven his immense power, and yet with the gems themselves, he became a god. Possibly the scariest moment wasn’t when he heard and sensed the Watcher, it was when he found him.

The two clashed in an epic battle that saw them literally smash through universe after universe. The Watcher, after upholding his oath not to interfere all series, was forced to fight Ultron and show off the powers that he couldn’t normally use.

While Ultron’s powers included devouring entire dimensions in a clear homage to Galactus, and very nearly cracking the Watcher’s head like an egg, Uatu held his own until being forced to flee. There is nothing quite like seeing two ultra-powered beings literally smashing the boundaries between the multiple universes, as this was one of the greatest battles in the series, and arguably the entire MCU. Even the Watcher didn’t know what to expect from Ultron, and he has seen literally everything.

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This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.