What Really Happened: Doctor Who - The Trial Of A Time Lord

Sadly, the drama caused during the making of The Trial of a Time Lord stuck around for the remainder of the Classic era. Despite John Nathan-Turner, and new script editor Andrew Cartmel's best intentions to revitalise Doctor Who, its fate was sealed.
Cancellation was simply inevitable, and in 1989 the plug was pulled. It's certainly a tragic piece of history to look back over, especially when viewing the pressures placed upon John Nathan-Turner by the BBC, and the awful outcomes that ultimately crushed the dreams of many involved. It does make you wonder how this was ever allowed to happen.
In hindsight we can look back on these troubled times and know that Doctor Who would eventually be returned to prime time television, and Colin Baker would be given a second chance to play the Sixth Doctor through Big Finish. So there is a happy ending to this sad story. It's just a massive shame John Nathan- Turner wasn't around to witness it.
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