What The BoJack Horseman Voice Actors Look Like In Real Life

7. Keith Olbermann (Tom Jumbo-Grumbo)

Alison Brie Bojack

Keith Olbermann may only voice one character, but with MSNBSea’s whale newscaster one of the show’s most prolific characters, he’s seventh on the list of all time appearances.

With BoJack being a big celebrity (though perhaps not as big as he thinks), he’s frequently on the news with being such a train wreck. Occasionally, Diane’s outspoken nature, Todd’s wacky schemes or PB’s dumb luck land them in the headlines too, though most of the time it’s BoJack himself.

Olbermann is well suited to the role, being a newsman himself. Though he typically does sportscasting rather than being a network news anchor, there are clearly a lot of transferable skills. He does occasionally have a bit of a hard news edge too, like his reports on Bill O’Reilly after the harassment scandal broke.

He’s perhaps not as appreciated as the characters who directly influence the story, but he’s a huge part of the BoJack Horseman world.


Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)